Modern love & Relationships

Stop Chasing Your Happy and Start Living it Today

Stop Chasing Your Happy and Start Living it Today

Photographs provided by Canva Are you always looking for the next thing to make you happy? Does happiness seem to be just out of your reach? What IS happiness anyway? We're fascinated by happiness. There are many books about it. Philosophers and poets write and dream...

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Is Midlife the Second Rebellion?

Is Midlife the Second Rebellion?

(Photograph by Genessa Panainte) Is Midlife the Second Rebellion? Her messy hair a visible attribute of her stubborn spirit. As she shakes it free, she smiles knowing wild is her favorite color. ~ J. Iron Word     You never stop growing. Throughout the human lifespan,...

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Do You Ever Truly Recover From a Divorce?

Do You Ever Truly Recover From a Divorce?

Photograph by Amanda Jordan "But grief is a walk alone. Others can be there and listen. But you will walk alone down your own path, at your own pace, with your sheared off pain, your raw wounds, your denial, anger and bitter loss. You'll come to your own peace,...

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Break Free From the Lasting Emotional Impact of Your Divorce

Break Free From the Lasting Emotional Impact of Your Divorce

(Photograph provided by Canva)   Do you struggle to break free from the lasting emotional impact of your divorce?   Are old feelings of guilt, resentment, and self-judgment lying beneath the surface of your awareness and continuing to affect your life? When I went...

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20 Irresistibly Romantic Quotes For Lovers

20 Irresistibly Romantic Quotes For Lovers

Whether you have a special someone or are just a romantic at heart, here are 20 irresistible quotes to celebrate love.   1. You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. ~ Dr. Seuss    2. There is never a time...

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Rid Self-Limiting Beliefs & Reach Your True Potential

Rid Self-Limiting Beliefs & Reach Your True Potential

Are self-limiting beliefs keeping you from reaching your full potential? Do they prevent you from living your happiest life? I remember a moment when I was about eight years old. As I lay on the floor with my crayons and coloring book, blissfully making my newest,...

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5 Signs You Might Not Be Ready to Date Again

5 Signs You Might Not Be Ready to Date Again

Being newly divorced comes with its set of challenges. Dating again, especially after many years of marriage can feel intimidating at first. If you've dipped your toe into the dating pool again, you might have experienced a few surprises. Please read my recent article...

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The #1 Mistake for Leaving Your Marriage

The #1 Mistake for Leaving Your Marriage

Photograph by Azrul Aziz I know you. For a long time, you've been feeling miserable in your life and marriage. You're playing around with the idea of leaving your spouse, but you're hesitating, perhaps hoping your relationship will get better and you'll feel happy...

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