“Love is a two-way street constantly under construction.” – Carroll Bryant

There is no school of life, love, and relationships.

Have years gone by where your life and relationships seemed to go smoothly? Everything seemed to work and feeling happy, and content took little effort?

When things are going well, it’s easy to get into coast mode and not notice subtle changes that might occur over time.

Have you let go of doing the things that you love? Are you spending more time at work or helping others and less time breathing, being, and connecting with friends and loved ones?

Maybe as time passed, you didn’t notice that the distance was widening between you and your spouse? You brushed off the little arguments and the uncomfortable silences, thinking it would just get better one day?

How did you get here?

Sometimes you wonder if you can find your way back. What happened to the joy you used to feel? When did you and your partner start living parallel lives?

You want to feel happy again.

Like you used to when life felt more manageable. When you felt more connected to your spouse. When you looked forward to so much.

Maybe a change or something unexpected happened, throwing your life off course. What felt easy can begin to feel difficult. What used to bring you joy now leaves you feeling indifferent. Your relationship may not be getting the attention it needs.

Jamie Daniel Farrell

Life Connections Counseling | Counseling in Westlake Village, CA

Life feels too short to spend it miserable.

Some individuals and couples wait too long to reach out for help. When that happens, you begin to believe that things will never improve. You start to think your only choice is to settle for the way things are or to walk away from your unhappiness.

You can realize a happier life and relationship. Getting there starts with awareness and a desire for change.

It’s all within your reach.

Counseling can help.

Counseling is a safe place to explore what might be keeping you from realizing the life or relationship you desire. I can help you uncover things you might not have seen before without judgment.

From your first session, you’ll leave feeling hopeful again, with helpful tools you can use immediately.


You are waking up excited to start the day. You feel confident and good about yourself. Your relationship feels warm, connected, and supportive.

Anxiety and stress give way to a sense of well-being and manageable challenges.

You enjoy supportive friendships.Your life feels complete. Your life feels right.

Let’s work together to get you back to your best life!

Life Connections Counseling | Counseling in Westlake Village, CA

 At Life Connections Counseling, we are relationship specialists.


Marriage Counseling

Discernment Counseling

Divorce Recovery

Brainspotting Therapy

  • Get help when you need it